Contract: Full-time for 1 year with possible extension based on performance.
Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
The Objective of the Assignment
The Social and Gender Specialist, will ensure the proper planning, preparation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the project activities from social safeguards and gender perspective and ensure implementation of all activities listed in the project Gender Action Plan (GAP) including the community communication activities. He/she will report to the Project Director through the PIU Project Coordinator.
Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Output
Specific tasks include, but may not be limited to:
- Develop and update the Gender Action Plan (GAP) and Social Development Action Plan (SDAP) for the implementation of the GAP and ensure effective and timely implementation;
- Ensure effective gender mainstreaming in the project activities, facilitate consultations with local communities, especially women, youth, and marginalized groups, and ensure their meaningful participation in decision-making processes through public communication activities; promote women’s safety through activities related to prevention of trafficking in people and awareness on HIV/AIDS (Human immunodeficiency virus/ Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), STDs (Sexually transmitted diseases), gender based violence; monitor and report on contractors compliance with training related to these aspects;
- Organize training sessions for project staff, local stakeholders, and implementing partners on gender equality and social inclusion. Build awareness among community members on gender-sensitive approaches and inclusive practices;
- Support the PIU and the project monitoring and evaluation specialist in preparing and monitoring the Project Performance Management System following the performance indicators and/or targets of the GAP, and gender indicators in Project’s Design and Monitoring Framework;
- Develop a mechanism and instruments to collect sex-disaggregated data of the project interventions, including beneficiaries’ sex-data disaggregated data;
- Prepare the project’s quarterly and annual reports which includes the progress in the implementation of GAP activities, achievement of targets, and qualitative assessment of the project benefits; and provide inputs to the GAP monitoring matrix for the ADB’s Gender Monitoring site and Environmental and Social Safeguards System (ESMS);
- Support the EA and IAs through the PIU in preparing Safeguards Monitoring Reports to ADB during the project implementation until the issuance of ADB’s Project Completion Report and disclose relevant information from such reports to the respective affected people in accordance with ADB's Safeguards Policy Statement [SPS] (2009) and domestic legislation;
- Provide technical guidance to the procurement activities (i.e., consulting services) related to the GAP implementation in accordance with ADB procedures;
- As needed, work closely with the PIU’s environmental safeguards specialist in receiving and addressing grievances and complaints from stakeholders and affected communities in the target aimag and soums as part of the GRM related to social safeguards and gender-related concerns; and ensure that all complaints are promptly reported to the PIU, EA, IAs and ADB;
- Monitor and report on jobs created for women in the management, operation and maintenance of the free zone administration;
- Review and provide technical guidance to all gender activities under the project, and assure quality control of the project outputs (e.g., consultants’ deliverables);
- Provide support for the project review missions of ADB including progress updates on the GAP implementation;
- Review the Project’s Social Safeguards Due Diligence Report (April 2020). Monitor and ensure that the project does not involve involuntary resettlement impacts or impacts on indigenous peoples as defined under the ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS). In the event that the project does have any such impact; promptly advise MED to inform ADB of the occurrence of such risks or impacts, with detailed description of the event and proposed corrective action/s; undertake all steps required to ensure that the project complies with the applicable laws and regulations of Mongolia and with ADB SPS;
- Lead the preparation of mid-term and project completion report sections related to progress in the implementation of GAP, achievement towards targets, overall achievement and impact of activities, including identification and write up of case studies and inputs to the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS);
- Undertake other relevant work needed to ensure project activities comply with Mongolia’s legal framework on gender equality and social inclusion.
Minimum Qualification Requirements:
The Social and Gender Specialist shall have (i) at least Master’s degree in social science, development studies, business administration or a related discipline; (ii) Minimum of 5 years’ of experience in social engagement, project administration in donor-financed projects; (iii) Familiarity with ADB’s gender and social safeguards policies is highly desirable; and (iv) Good command of spoken and written English.
Application Procedure
Deadline: All documents should be submitted both through the e-mail below and in person to the following contact address before 5:00 PM on 30 January 2025.
- Curriculum vitae in English and Mongolian, with recent photo taken within the last 6 months,
- Copies of diplomas and relevant certificates with English translation,
- Copy of national citizenship ID,
- Copies of the Labor and Social Insurance books (first page and subsequent pages indicating the employment mobility),
- Reference or recommendation letters from current and/or previous employer,
- Cover letter in English.
The submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. Incomplete applications would not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Contact address:
Chingeltei District, J.Sambuu Street
MN tower, 10th floor # 1005
Ulaanbaatar 15141, Mongolia.
Tel: +976-77660116, +976-91917179